Tuesday, August 9, 2011

San Antonio Visit

Wow!  What a great weekend! On Saturday morning I loaded up little Maddie Mazda and headed south to San Antonio to visit my good friends Jared and Laura Theismann.  They are expecting their first little one at the end of October and Laura's coworkers and Texas friends were throwing her a shower on Sunday.  I got to stay with them through the weekend and came home yesterday.

It was very funny trying to explain to people at the shower exactly how we knew each other and why/how one of their Alabama friends ended up at their San Antonio shower.  Here's a brief synopsis for those who may need a little background, too.  The Theismanns and the Stewarts go back nearly ten years (actually, right at ten years this fall).  Brandon, Jared, and I were all horn majors at Alabama.  Laura was a eupohonium player.  Brandon and Jared were roommates when Brandon and I started dating.  Jared and Laura started dating just a couple of months after us.  We had lots of double dates and dinners at the guys' apartment.  Jared was the best man in our wedding and Laura caught the bouquet.  We were in their wedding eight months later.  We ended up in Texas because of grad school (first TTU, then UNT).  They ended up in Texas because of Laura's music therapy job.  We all enjoy having friends from home that are close enough to visit occasionally (and it's always nice hearing someone else say "Roll Tide!" in Texas!).

On Sunday after the shower, we took Laura's camera around the common areas at their apartment complex and got a few maternity pictures.  I've never done a photo shoot before (at least, not from behind the camera), but thanks to budgets and Dave Ramsey, this was Laura's only chance to get pictures of her and Jared together.  We had a great time and, I think, the pictures came out pretty good!  I mean, they're obviously not professional by any means, but they're a little better than your average point and shoot, too.  Here are a few of my favorites.  Click the link below to see the slide show I put together for them to send to their families.  


Anna Michelle said...

Such sweet photos, I love the one of Jared kissing Baby. I love you, Melanie.


Emily Baker said...

Cute pictures, Melanie!

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